Uncrowd – Shopping Audit

Engaging People, For Engaging Brands





Uncrowd approached Infinite to help them record customer interactions within stores. 

Uncrowd looked to gain full insight on how their marketing was received and how customers felt both in-store and on their online platforms.


As an ongoing activation with Uncrowd, we at Infinite utilise our regular campaign staff, covering thousands of in-store and online platform visits.

As an ongoing activation, we have a pool of staff that we can ‘turn on’ monthly, depending on client needs. 

Working with Uncrowd’s reporting tool, we allow staff to capture all required information and imagery needed.


With multiple activations under our belt with Uncrowd, we can show a good return on investment, giving them a keen look into the retail world through the eyes of our shoppers. 

Through shoppers feedback, Uncrowd can more accurately tailor their marketing and platforms POS to the needs of the most shoppers, allowing them to stay up to date and in line with what is current.

Get In Touch

Whether you need one of our services or a custom combination, for the short term or the long term, contact us today to see how we can help.