Knowledge is the key to performance
Full time or part time expert trainers when you need them
Improving performance isn’t just about driving sales in the short term. Get the brand-specific training you need from our expert trainers to turn staff and customers into product experts, building brand loyalty and a foundation for long-term results.
Our training expertise
Our brand experts are employed and managed by us and come with insights gathered from years of field marketing experience. Whether you’re training up on a new product release or improving education on your current estate, find the custom training experts you need without the fuss.
Related services

Data analysis and reporting
Get data-driven insights into store performance and highlight opportunities for training from our team of analytics experts.

Mystery shopping
Understand where training can best unlock potential by using mystery shoppers to see how your team operates in the field.

Field sales
Continuously delivering results on the road within a given territory. Field sales teams help your brands provide clear support messaging and building of relationships with your resellers. Providing you with brand identity on the ground driving commerciality, compliance and community.

Sales coaching
Broadcasting is not something new to us. With the shift in consumer behaviour following the pandemic, we adopted a new function that helps us run virtual selling opportunities for our clients in many barriers - reach, volume or exposure.

Brand Ambassadors
BAs are our gurus when it comes to driving and protecting your key arenas. Delivering direct consumer engagement to bring education and prospecting for your brand and resellers.

Giving consumers a flavour or trial of your products or services, through the utilisation of sampling activities and events which gives consumers the chance to try before they buy, allowing customers to further interact with your brand. With our ‘feet in the street’ we can also provide consumer feedback allowing for brand or product development.

How we’re helping our clients win with training
Get in touch
Are you looking to build a brand-specific knowledge base that drives long-term sales results?